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Matthäus Apelles von Löwenstern


Matthäus Apelt


Born: Ap­ril 20, 1594, Neu­stadt, Op­peln, Si­le­sia (now Prud­nik, Po­land).

Died: Ap­ril 11, 1648, Bres­lau, Si­le­sia (now Wro­cław, Po­land).


Son of a sad­dler, Von Lö­wen­stern dis­ting­uished him­self mu­sic­al­ly at an ear­ly age. By 1613, he was a teach­er and can­tor in Le­ob­schütz (now Głubczyce, Po­land).

Duke Hein­rich Wen­zel ap­point­ed him as his mu­sic dir­ect­or and trea­sur­er at Bern­stadt (1625); di­rect­or of the school at Bern­stadt (1626); and Rath and Sec­re­ta­ry, and Di­rect­or of Fi­nance (1631).

Thereafter Lö­wen­stern en­tered the ser­vice of Em­per­ors Fer­di­nand II and Fer­di­nand III (the lat­ter grant­ed him no­ble ti­tle).

Finally, Lö­wen­stern be­came Staats­rath at Oels to Duke Carl Fried­rich of Mün­ster­berg.

He wrote about 30 hymns in his life­time.




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