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William Spencer Walton




Born: Jan­ua­ry 15, 1850, Brix­ton, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 26, 1906, Bacton, Nor­folk, Eng­land, while on ho­li­day.

Buried: Ton­bridge, Kent, Eng­land.



About 1889, Wal­ton found­ed the Sailor’s Rest of the South Af­ri­can Ge­ne­ral Mis­sion (SAGM) in Dur­ban, Na­tal. This in­ter­de­nom­in­ation­al ef­fort min­is­tered to the spir­it­ual needs of sea­men, whe­ther on board when in port or in jail.

Edwin Lew­is Neil­son, who car­ried the ti­tle Chap­lain, suc­ceeded Wal­ton about 1901.

During the Bo­er War, Wal­ton dis­trib­ut­ed to Eng­lish sol­diers Bi­bles which had a la­bel in­side the front co­ver giving Wal­ton’s re­si­dence in 1900 as Dur­ban, Na­tal.

Walton’s mis­sion­ary work is known most­ly from his pub­li­ca­tions.

In 1905, he wrote a 3-page ar­ti­cle based on his jour­neys through south­east­ern Af­ri­ca, in what was then called Brit­ish Ama­ton­ga­land. In the ar­ti­cle, his ti­tle was shown as Su­per­in­ten­dent of the Brit­ish Af­ri­ca Ge­ne­ral Mis­sion.




Help Needed

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