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George Augustus Warburton



Born: Oc­to­ber 4, 1859, Sandford, Somerset, Eng­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 21, 1929, Toronto, Canada.


George was the son of Sam­uel War­bur­ton and Eliz­abeth Jones, and husband of Lou­ise H. John­son (married Oc­to­ber 1881, Port By­ron, New York).

He emi­grate­d to Am­eri­ca with his par­ents in 1869, and the fam­ily set­tled in Brock­port, New York.

George left school as a young teen­ag­er to work with his fa­ther, a black­smith. Short­ly af­ter leav­ing school, he came to Christ; he served as a Wes­ley­an lay preach­er on week­ends, be­com­ing known as the boy preach­er of Cen­tral New York. He tried to make up for leav­ing school by read­ing wide­ly.

Warburton was a pi­oneer in the Am­eri­can Young Men’s Chris­tian As­so­ci­ation (YMCA), be­fore be­ing re­cruit­ed to ad­vance the or­gan­iz­ation in Ca­na­da, in­clud­ing fund rais­ing and ex­pan­sion in To­ron­to.




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