

Born: June, 10, 1816.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 1880, at his home, 9 Ends­leigh Gar­dens, Lon­don, Eng­land.


James was the hus­band of Ma­ry Trim­mer.

He is re­mem­bered pri­ma­ri­ly as a pub­lish­er and book sell­er at Nes­bitt & Com­pa­ny of Lon­don. Up­on the death of James Nes­bitt, Wat­son be­came the sen­ior part­ner.

In 1839, Wat­son went to Kel­so, Scot­land, where Ho­ra­ti­us Bonar in­duct­ed him as a church el­der. Wat­son re­turned to Re­gent Square and was a well known el­der dur­ing the min­is­tries of Dr. Ham­il­ton and John Dykes. He al­so wrote mu­sic for hymns, some of which was pub­lished.

He was a mem­ber of the board of the Ma­ry­le­bone of Lon­don School from 1870 un­til his death.



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