

Born: 1590, Dom­nau, Prus­sia (now Dom­no­vo, Rus­sia).

Died: Au­gust 1, 1635, Kö­nigs­berg, Prus­sia (now Ka­lin­in­grad, Rus­sia).


Georg was the son of Jo­hann Weiss­el, judge and lat­er Bür­ger­meis­ter at Dom­nau.

He stu­died at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Kö­nigs­berg (1608–11), then for short pe­ri­ods at Wit­ten­berg, Leip­zig, Je­na, Strass­burg, Ba­sel, and Mar­burg.

In 1614, he was ap­point­ed rec­tor of the school at Fried­land (now Prav­dinsk, Rus­sia), but re­signed this post af­ter three years and re­turned to Kö­nigs­berg to re­sume his stu­dies in theo­lo­gy.

Finally, in 1623, he be­came pas­tor of the newl­y built Alt­ross­gart church in Kö­nigs­berg, where he stayed the rest of his life.



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