

Born: March 30, 1864, Tra­more, Coun­ty Wa­ter­ford, Ire­land.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 18, 1924, Ot­ta­wa, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da.

Buried: Beech­wood Ce­me­te­ry, Ot­ta­wa, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da.


Kathleen was the daugh­ter of Ed­ward Ol­iv­er Wheel­er and Jo­se­phine Hel­sham, and wife of Hen­ry Clark­son Ross (mar­ried 1914, Ot­ta­wa, Ca­na­da).

She was liv­ing in the Un­ion Work­house for pau­pers in Me­thyr Tyd­fil, Gla­mor­gan, Wales, in 1881, but had moved to Coll­ing­wood by the end of the next year.

By 1910, she was in a con­vent in Ham­il­ton Coun­ty, Ohio.


Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wheel­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),