


Born: June 19, 1844, King’s Lynn, Nor­folk, Eng­land.

Died: March 31, 1911, Brock­ley, London, Eng­land.

Buried: Brock­ley Ce­me­tery, South East Lon­don, Eng­land.



Wigner was the se­cond son of Bap­tist min­is­ter John Tho­mas Wig­ner, and husband of Ellen Turnbull (mar­ried August 27, 1878). He was named af­ter Dr. Murch, his fa­ther’s tu­tor and men­tor in the ear­ly days of his min­is­try.

John moved to Brock­ley (London SE) with his fa­ther, who found­ed the Bap­tist church there, one of se­ver­al he es­tab­lished during his min­is­try.

He earned de­grees in both Arts and Sci­ence, and be­came a Sen­ior Of­fi­cer in the In­dia Of­fice, pre­vi­ousl­y the East In­dia Com­pa­ny.

One of Wig­ner’s le­ga­cies was a scale mo­del of the Ta­ber­na­cle in the Wil­derness, which he took to va­ri­ous mis­sions on lec­ture tours around the Unit­ed King­dom. He had been about to do this in Char­lotte Cha­pel, Ed­in­burgh, Scotland, in 1911, when the ill­ness that led to his death pre­vent­ed him.

The ex­cel­lent Ta­ber­na­cle scale mo­del is now the pro­per­ty of his grand­son, Ho­ward John Wig­ner; he is seek­ing a suit­able mu­se­um, se­mi­na­ry or uni­ver­si­ty to which he can don­ate the mo­del so that it can be seen by and in­struct a wid­er au­di­ence. For in­for­ma­tion, con­tact him through mail@guyett.force9.co.uk.

