

Born: 1841, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Ap­ril 25, 1868, Pan­cras, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Pseudonym: Sadie.


Sarah was the daugh­ter of Ro­bert Will­iams, a man of Welsh ex­tract­ion, and whom she re­gard­ed as the source of the bard­ic el­e­ment in her.

After hav­ing been un­der governesses for some time, she went to Queen’s Col­lege, Har­ley Street.

One of the teach­ers there was Ed­ward Plumptre, to whom she at­trib­ut­ed much of her im­pulse to write. He was one of the first to whom she showed her ear­li­est print­ed book.


She con­trib­ut­ed to pe­ri­od­ic­als and pub­lished:


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