


Born: Jan­ua­ry 21, 1855, Free­dom, Maine.

Died: After 1909 (he ap­pears in the 1910 cen­sus)


Burton was the son of Al­len Pils­bury Wins­low and Lo­na­thy Ade­line Hock­ey, and hus­band of An­nie Por­ter Per­ry.

He gra­du­at­ed from the Lew­is­ton, Maine, high school in 1871. He ed­it­ed re­li­gious pa­pers (1878–79), and be­gan pub­lish­ing Sun­day School Con­cert Ex­er­cis­es in 1887.

Winslow worked as a drafts­man in an ar­chi­tect’s shop, and as pay­mas­ter at cot­ton mills of the Pep­per­ell Ma­nu­fac­tur­ing Com­pa­ny, Bid­de­ford, Maine.

He al­so served as a Bap­tist dea­con for 24 years; Sun­day school su­per­in­tend­ent for 14 years; and was a mem­ber of Bap­tist church­es in Chel­sea, Mas­sa­chu­setts, and Lew­is­ton and Sa­co, Maine.



Love’s Vision

Yon purple haze, from ancient hilltops breaking,
But faintly gleams with dim prophetic light,
As o’er the centuries, dim hope awaking
Shines feebly through the night.
With sullen fear, or passion’s fiery beating
O’er hopeless graves, love seeks for light in vain—
Hark! hear the accents tenderly repeating:
Your dead shall live again!

He comes! He comes! The Lord of life and glory!
He comes to bring dark earth the glorious dawn.
Take heart, and soul! For thee this blessed story!
Hope thou! ’Tis Eastern morn!

’Tis Eastern morn! The purple haze of ages
Glows with the light
From heaven’s transcendent throne.
The distant dawn, proclaimed by sacred sages,
To glorious day is grown!
Mid angel forms, the wondrous truth revealing,
Love sees her own in glittering heavenly sheen;
Love hears triumphant heavenly echoes pealing,
With but a veil between.

Burton H. Wins­low
The Watch­man, March 31, 1904



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