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Luke Holt Wiseman




Born: Ja­nu­ary, 1822, Nor­wich, Eng­land.



After serv­ing as pri­vate sec­re­ta­ry to Sir Tho­mas Fow­ell of Bux­ton, Wise­man was of­fered a free edu­ca­tion at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty if he would pre­pare for Ang­li­can or­ders. He de­clined, pre­fer­ring to stay in the Wes­ley­an com­mun­ion he grew up with.

In 1840, he be­gan stu­dy­ing for the Wes­ley­an min­is­try in the theo­lo­gic­al col­lege at Hoxton, and on com­plet­ing his edu­ca­tion, was suc­cess­ive­ly ap­point­ed to pas­tor­ates in Chelms­ford, Hast­ings, Dar­ling­ton, York, Man­ches­ter, Lam­beth, and Isl­ing­ton.

In 1861, in con­junc­tion with a few oth­ers, Wise­man helped start the Me­tho­dist Re­cor­der week­ly jour­nal, which he ed­it­ed un­til 1872.

In 1868, Wise­man left re­gu­lar pas­tor­al work and was put in charge of the Wes­ley­an For­eign Mis­sions De­part­ment. In 1871, he be­came Sec­re­ta­ry of the Wes­leyan Con­fer­ence.

On Ju­ly 31, 1872 he be­came pre­si­dent of the Wes­ley­an Con­ference, be­ing elect­ed by the largest vote ev­er record­ed for that of­fice.




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