

Born: De­cem­ber 12, 1856, Stark Coun­ty, Ohio.

Died: July 22, 1894, Mid­dle­branch, Ohio.

Buried: Hen­ry Warst­ler Ce­me­te­ry, Plain Town­ship, Ohio.


Yohe was the son of Bar­net Yohe and Ma­ry En­gle, and hus­band of Sa­lo­me Ap­ley. His name is some­times shown with the ti­tle Dr.

The Min­utes of the Thirty-First Ge­ne­ral Con­ven­tion of the Ohio Sun­day-School As­so­cia­tion, held at Zanes­ville, Ohio, June 3–5 1890 (no page num­ber, be­tween pag­es 14 & 15) lists Yohe as an at­ten­dee from Mid­dle­branch, Ohio.

Yohe’s song I Will Arise and Go was pub­lished in To­le­do, Ohio, in 1894.



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