Scripture Verse

Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge? Who eat up My people as they eat bread. Psalm 53:4


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Vic­to­ry and de­liv­er­ance from per­se­cu­tion.

Music: Song 67 (Gib­bons) Or­lan­do Gib­bons, 1623. Ar­ranged by Hen­ry T. Smart (1813–1879) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Orlando Gibbons


Are all the foes of Si­on fools,
Who thus de­vour her saints?
Do they not know her Sav­ior rules,
And pities her com­plaints?

They shall be seized with sad sur­prise;
For God’s re­veng­ing arm
Scatters the bones of them that rise
To do His child­ren harm.

In vain the sons of Sa­tan boast
Of armies in ar­ray;
When God has first des­pised their host
They fall an ea­sy prey.

O for a word from Si­on’s king,
Her cap­tives to re­store!
Jacob with all his tribes shall sing,
And Ju­dah weep no more.