Scripture Verse

They urged Him strongly, Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over. Luke 24:29


Georg Neumark (1621–1681)

Words: Cas­par J. Boye, 1834 (Bliv hos os, Mes­ter, Da­gen hel­der). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by Oluf H. Sme­by, 1909.

Music: Neu­mark Ge­org Neu­mark, 1641 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Caspar J. Boye (1795–1853)


Abide with us, the day is wan­ing,
Thus prayed the two while on the way;
We read that Thou, O Lord, re­main­ing,
Didst all their doubts and fears al­lay.
Incline Thine ear, Thou King of Grace,
When, pray­ing thus, we seek Thy face.

At ev­en­tide, Thy Spir­it send­ing,
Help us, O Lord, our watch to keep,
In pray­er de­vout be­fore Thee bend­ing,
Ere we our eye­lids close in sleep,
Confessing sin in deed and word
With hope of mer­cy from the Lord.

Abide with us; with heav’n­ly glad­ness
Illumine, Lord, our dark­est day;
And when we weep in pain and sad­ness,
Be Thou our sol­ace, strength and stay.
Tell of Thy woe, Thy vic­to­ry won,
When Thou didst pray: Thy will be done.

Abide with us, O Sav­ior ten­der,
That bit­ter day when life shall end,
When to the grave we must sur­ren­der,
And fear and pain our hearts shall rend.
The shield of faith do Thou be­stow
When trem­bling we must meet the foe.

When earth­ly help no more avail­eth,
To sup with us Thou wilt be nigh;
Thou giv­est strength that ne­ver fail­eth,
In Thee we grave and death de­fy.
While earth is fad­ing from our sight,
Our eyes be­hold the realms of light.