Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34


Words: Ap­peared in Ca­rols New and Ca­rols Old, by Charles L. Hutc­hins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­ber 222. The song was an­no­tat­ed From the [New York] Her­ald.

Music: J. Re­ming­ton Fair­lamb (1838–1908) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Fair­lamb,


Across the east­ern hill­tops gleam
The first bright rays of dawn;
The sunl­ight danc­es in each beam,
Upon this East­er morn.


Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!
The Lord is ris­en to­day;
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!
The Lord doth reign for aye.

The gates of death now stand ajar,
For Je­sus, Lord and King,
No stone or seal His ex­it bar,
While men and an­gels sing:


Now all His ago­ny is past,
His suf­fer­ing and His pain,
With glo­ri­ous vic­to­ry at last,
Our Sav­ior lives to reign.
