Scripture Verse

The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain. Romans 8:22


John Masterman (1868–1933)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: John H. B. Mas­ter­man, 1922.

Music: De­us Tu­or­um Mi­li­tum Gre­no­ble An­ti­phon­er, 1753 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Almighty Fa­ther, who dost give
The gift of life to all who live,
Look down on all earth’s sin and strife,
And lift us to a nob­ler life.

Lift up our hearts, O King of kings,
To bright­er hopes and kind­li­er things;
To vi­sions of a larg­er good,
And ho­li­er dreams of bro­ther­hood.

Thy world is wea­ry of its pain;
Of self­ish greed and fruit­less gain;
Of tar­nished hon­or, false­ly strong,
And all its an­cient deeds of wrong.

Hear Thou the pray­er Thy ser­vants pray,
Uprising from all lands to­day,
And o’er the van­quished pow­ers of sin,
O bring Thy great sal­va­tion in.