Scripture Verse

The Lord will lighten my darkness. 2 Samuel 22:29


Thomas A. Arne (1710–1778)

Words: An­na L. Bar­bauld, in Hymns for Pub­lic Wor­ship, by Dr. W. En­field (War­ring­ton, Eng­land: 1772).

Music: Ar­ling­ton Tho­mas A. Arne, 1762. Ar­ranged by Ralph Har­ris­on, 1784 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Anna L. Barbauld (1743–1825)
National Portrait Gallery



Again the Lord of light and life
Awakes the kind­ling ray,
Unseals the eye­lids of the morn,
And pours in­creas­ing day.

O what a night was that which wrapped
The hea­then world in gloom!
O what a Sun which rose this day
Triumphant from the tomb!

This day be grate­ful hom­age paid,
And loud ho­sa­nnas sung;
Let glad­ness dwell in ev­ery heart,
And praise on ev­ery tongue.

Ten thou­sand dif­fer­ent lips shall join
To hail this wel­come morn,
Which scat­ters bless­ings from its wings
To na­tions yet un­born.

Jesus, the friend of hu­man kind,
With strong com­pas­sion moved,
Descended like a pi­ty­ing God,
To save the souls He loved.

The powers of dark­ness leagued in vain
To bind His soul in death;
He shook their king­dom when He fell,
With His ex­pir­ing breath.

Not long the toils of hell could keep
The Hope of Ju­dah’s line;
Corruption ne­ver could take hold
On aught so much di­vine.

And now His con­quer­ing cha­ri­ot wheels
Ascend the lof­ty skies;
While broke be­neath his pow­er­ful cross,
Death’s ir­on scep­ter lies.

Exalted high at God’s right hand,
And Lord of all be­low;
Thro’ Him is par­don­ing love dis­pensed,
And bound­less bless­ings flow.

And still for err­ing, guil­ty man
A bro­ther’s pi­ty flows;
And still His bleed­ing heart is touched
With me­mo­ry of our woes.

To Thee, my Sav­ior and my king,
Glad hom­age le me give;
And stand pre­pared, like Thee, to die,
With Thee that I might live.