Scripture Verse

Give glory to the Lord your God. Jeremiah 13:16


Words: Un­known au­thor (Glor­ia in Ex­cel­sis) and trans­la­tor.

Music: Al­lein Gott Deutsch ev­an­gel­isch Mess­ze, 1539 (🔊 pdf nwc).


All glo­ry be to Thee, Most High,
To Thee all ado­ra­tion;
In grace and truth Thou draw­est nigh
To offer us sal­va­tion;
Thou show­est Thy good will to men,
And peace shall reign on earth again;
We praise Thy name for­ev­er.

We praise, we wor­ship Thee, we trust
And give Thee thanks for­ev­er,
O Fa­ther, for Thy rule is just
And wise, and chang­es ne­ver;
Thy hand almigh­ty o’er us reigns,
Thou do­est what Thy will or­dains;
’Tis well for us Thou rul­est.

O Je­sus Christ, our God and Lord,
Son of the heav’n­ly Fa­ther,
O Thou who hast our peace re­stored,
The stray­ing sheep dost ga­ther,
Thou Lamb of God, to Thee on high
Out of depths we sin­ners cry:
Have mer­cy on us, Je­sus!

O Ho­ly Spir­it, pre­cious gift,
Thou Com­fort­er un­fail­ing,
From Sa­tan’s snares our souls up­lift,
And let Thy pow­er, avail­ing,
Avert our woes and calm our dread.
For us the Sav­ior’s blood was shed;
We trust in Thee to save us.