Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley (1707–1788). Ap­peared in A Pock­et Hymn Book (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Pri­chard & Hall, 1788), num­ber 212.

Music: San­ta Cla­ri­ta George B. Hol­sing­er, in The Breth­ren Hym­nal (El­gin, Il­li­nois: Breth­ren Pub­lishing House, 1901) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

George B. Holsinger (1857–1908)


All hail! hap­py day,
When en­robed in our clay,
The Re­deem­er ap­peared upon earth:
How can we re­frain
For to join the glad strain,
And to hail our Im­ma­nu­el’s birth?

How bound­less that love,
First be­got­ten above,
And through Je­sus to sin­ners made known?
Lift, lift up the voice,
And ex­ult­ing re­joice,
For Je­ho­vah to earth is come down.

Ye an­gels of God,
Sound His prais­es abroad,
And ac­know­ledge Him Jah, the I Am:
We al­so will join
In a hymn so di­vine,
Giving glo­ry to God and the Lamb.

To Christ we will sing,
As our high priest and king,
And our pro­phet to teach us the road:
But more than all this,
For al­migh­ty He is,
And we own Him our cru­ci­fied God!

To Je­sus’ praise
Let us spend all our days,
For ’tis He our sure­ty has stood:
He so­journed below,
That His mer­cy might flow,
And He pur­chased our par­don with blood!

O may the re­turn
Of this once bless­èd morn,
Be for ev­er re­mem­bered with joy
Sweet ac­cents of praise,
All our voic­es shall raise,
Hallelujahs shall be our em­ploy.

Let ec­ho pro­long,
The har­mo­ni­ous song,
Hallelujahs again and again:
He kin­dles the fire,
Whom the na­tions de­sire;
And to Him we de­vote the glad strain.

Blest Je­sus, while we
Pay our trib­ute to Thee,
Let us wor­ship, ad­mire, and ad­ore,
Accept as Thy crown,
What be­fore was Thy own,
Hallelujahs and praise ev­er­more.