Scripture Verse

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1


Words: Char­lotte Mur­ray, in Tri­um­phant Songs, by Ed­win O. Ex­cell (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Edw­in O. Ex­cell, 1887), num­ber 68.

Music: James M. Dun­gan (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mur­ray or Dun­gan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


All, all for Thee, O take me now en­tire­ly;
Retune each note with Thine own gen­tle hand;
I give my­self afresh in­to Thy keep­ing,
To do, or suff­er as Thou shalt com­mand.


All, all for Thee, Sav­ior,
All, all for Thee,
Oh, take my life in­to Thy hand,
Oh, give me Thy Spi­rit
And I shall be ho­ly,
Then take my life in­to Thy hand.

I give my heart, I long to love Thee bet­ter
Than ev­er I have done in years be­fore;
That all I do may be a joy not du­ty,
Lord Je­sus grant it, may I love Thee more.


All, all for Thee, my­self in all my weak­ness,
Unfit, alone, the feeb­lest chord to raise;
An in­stru­ment dis­cord­ant, worn and worth­less,
But rea­dy to be used to sound Thy praise.


Oh, Mas­ter, by Thine own most ho­ly Spi­rit,
Send heav’n­ly mu­sic o’er the earth thro’ me;
So true, so beau­ti­ful, so soul re­fresh­ing,
That those who hear it, may learn more of Thee.
