Scripture Verse

There remains…a rest for the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Words Tho­mas R. Sweat­mon, 1917. Note: Some hym­nals in­cor­rect­ly name Will­iam Slat­er as the ly­ri­cist.

Music: Will­iam W. Slat­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sweat­mon (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William W. Slater (1885–1959)


Walking alone at eve and view­ing the skies afar,
Bidding the dark­ness come to wel­come each sil­ver star;
I have a great de­light in the won­der­ful scenes above,
God in His pow­er and might is show­ing His truth and love.


O, for a home with God, a place in His courts to rest;
Sure in a safe abode with Je­sus and the blest;
Rest for a wea­ry soul once re­deemed by the Sav­ior’s love,
Where I’ll be pure and whole and live with my God above!

Sitting alone at eve and dream­ing the hours away,
Watching the sha­dows fall­ing now at the close of day;
God in His mer­cy comes with His Word; He is draw­ing near,
Spreading His love and truth around me and ev­ery­where.


Closing my eyes at eve and think­ing of Hea­ven’s grace,
Longing to see my Lord, yes, meet­ing Him face to face;
Trusting Him as my all where­so­ev­er my foots­teps roam,
Pleading with Him to guide me on to the spir­it’s home!
