Scripture Verse

The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand. Isaiah 14:24


Ronald A. Matthews (1952–)

Words: Mar­ga­ret Clark­son, 1966.

Music: Lang­horne Ron­ald A. Mat­thews, 1989 (🔊 pdf nwc).

E. Margaret Clarkson (1915–2008)


Amid the fears that op­press our day,
Across the clouds that ob­scure our way,
One gold­en truth sheds its shin­ing ray—
Our God is so­ver­eign still.


His ho­ly pur­pose un­chang­ing stands,
The stars still turn at their Lord’s com­mands;
He holds the world in His migh­ty hands—
Our God is so­ver­eign still!
Our God is so­ver­eign still!

Though wars may rise, and though king­doms fall,
Though ills may threat­en, and fears en­thrall,
Our God still lives, and He hears our call—
Our God is so­ver­eign still.


Though fierce the fight ’gainst the hosts of wrong,
His Word is sure, and His arm is strong;
The day is His: raise His triumph song—
Our God is so­ver­eign still.


When Christ shall come to re­ceive His own,
When His the king­dom, the pow’r, the throne,
Eternal King He shall reign alone—
Our God is so­ver­eign still.
