Scripture Verse

In Christ all will be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22


Hans G. Nägeli (1773–1836)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1749.

Music: Den­nis Hans G. Nä­ge­li (1773–1836). Ar­ranged by Lo­well Ma­son in The Psal­te­ry, 1845 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


And are we yet alive,
And see each oth­er’s face?
Glory and thanks to Je­sus give
For His al­migh­ty grace!

Preserved by pow­er di­vine
To full sal­va­tion here,
Again in Je­sus’ praise we join
And in His sight ap­pear.

What trou­bles have we seen,
What migh­ty con­flicts past,
Fightings with­out, and fears with­in,
Since we as­sem­bled last!

Yet out of all the Lord
Hath brought us by His love;
And still He doth His help af­ford,
And hides our life above.

Then let us make our boast
Of His re­deem­ing pow­er,
Which saves us to the ut­ter­most,
Till we can sin no more.

Let us take up the cross
Till we the crown ob­tain,
And glad­ly reck­on all things loss
So we may Je­sus gain.