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Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Brook­lyn An­ni­ver­sa­ry Hymns, 1855. Appeared in The Young Sing­er’s Friend; or, the Lee Ave­nue Col­lect­ion (New York: A. S. [Al­fred Smith] Barnes, 1857), num­ber 60.

Music: Ano­ny­mous, in The Sun­day-School Mu­sic Book: En­larged (Brook­lyn, New York: C. C. Mudge, 1858), num­ber 21 (🔊 ).


Angel and Shepherds
William Henry Margetson, 1906

There’s a song the an­gels sing,
And its notes with rap­ture ring,
Round the throne whose ra­di­ance
Fills the heav’ns ab­ove:
Shepherds heard a dist­ant strain,
Watching on Ju­de­a’s plain,
Glory be to God,
To men be peace and love.


Thro’ the earth and thro’ the sky
Let the an­them ev­er fly,
Peace, good will to men,
And glo­ry be to God on high.

’Tis a song for child­ren, too,
To the Sav­ior ’tis their due;
Let its grate­ful notes
As­cend to Him again;
Join the an­gels in their song,
And the heav’n­ly strain pro­long,
Glory be to God,
Good­will and peace to men.


Soon around that throne may we
With those hap­py an­gels be,
Striking harps to strains
That nev­er­more shall cease;
Mingling love with lof­ti­est praise,
Still the chor­us there we’ll raise,
Glory be to God,
To men good will and peace.
