Scripture Verse

He answered their prayers, because they trusted in Him. 1 Chronicles 5:20


Words: Ma­ry B. Win­gate, 1908.

Music: James M. Black (🔊 pdf nwc).

Mary B. Wingate (1845–1933)


Woman with a Book of Prayer
Carl Kronberger (1841–1921)

Ask what thou wilt, be­liev­ing heart,
The an­swer­ing time will come;
Pray and be­lieve—that is thy part,
The an­swer­ing time will come.


The an­swer­ing time will come;
The an­swer­ing time will come.
Tho’ dark the way, still trust and pray,
The an­swer­ing time will come.

Ask in the name of Christ thy Lord,
The an­swer­ing time will come;
Rest on the pro­mise of His Word,
The an­swer­ing time will come.


God’s Word is sure; it can­not fail,
The an­swer­ing time will come;
The pray­er of faith shall yet pre­vail,
The an­swer­ing time will come.


God will not mock be­liev­ing prayer,
The an­swer­ing time will come;
He knows the bur­den thou dost bear,
The an­swer­ing time will come.
