Then shall He say…unto them on the left hand,
Matthew 25:41Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
Words & Music: Charles M. Fillmore, in Heart Songs, edited by Frederick A. Fillmore (Cincinnati, Ohio: Fillmore Brothers, 1893), number 74 (🔊
Christ the Lord has gone to glory,
But He’s coming back again;
He is coming with His angels and
A sword of fiery flame;
Then all nations, tribes and people shall
Be gathered round His throne
To receive reward and recompense
For all that they have done.
Are you ready for that judgment day?
Are you ready for that judgment day?
You must stand before the Lord
To receive your just reward—
Are you ready for that judgment day?
There will be a separation
On that final judgment day;
On the right, the good; the left, the bad
Who walked in sin’s broad way;
Come, ye blessèd,
then the Judge will say
To those upon the right,
But depart
to those upon the left,
To darkest endless night.
If you spend your time in seeking
After wealth and earthly fame,
Unrepentant, disbelieving in
His holy blessèd name,
If you live in worldly pleasures and
The Lord of life deny,
Indignation, wrath and anguish is
Your portion when you die.
Now prepare to meet your maker,
Choose today the better part;
While you hear His earnest pleading voice,
Oh, harden not your heart;
Seek Him while He may be found, and call
Upon Him while He’s near,
Lest He laugh at your calamity
And mock when comes your fear.