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Scripture Verse

Then shall He say…unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Matthew 25:41


Words & Mu­sic: Charles M. Fill­more, in Heart Songs, ed­it­ed by Fred­er­ick A. Fill­more (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1893), num­ber 74 (🔊 ).

Charles M. Fillmore


Christ the Lord has gone to glo­ry,
But He’s com­ing back again;
He is com­ing with His an­gels and
A sword of fie­ry flame;
Then all na­tions, tribes and peo­ple shall
Be ga­thered round His throne
To re­ceive re­ward and re­com­pense
For all that they have done.


Are you rea­dy for that judg­ment day?
Are you rea­dy for that judg­ment day?
You must stand be­fore the Lord
To re­ceive your just re­ward—
Are you rea­dy for that judg­ment day?

There will be a se­pa­ra­tion
On that fi­nal judg­ment day;
On the right, the good; the left, the bad
Who walked in sin’s broad way;
Come, ye bless­èd, then the Judge will say
To those up­on the right,
But de­part to those up­on the left,
To dark­est end­less night.


If you spend your time in seek­ing
After wealth and earth­ly fame,
Unrepentant, dis­be­liev­ing in
His ho­ly bless­èd name,
If you live in world­ly plea­sures and
The Lord of life de­ny,
Indignation, wrath and ang­uish is
Your por­tion when you die.


Now pre­pare to meet your mak­er,
Choose today the bet­ter part;
While you hear His ear­nest plead­ing voice,
Oh, hard­en not your heart;
Seek Him while He may be found, and call
Upon Him while He’s near,
Lest He laugh at your ca­la­mi­ty
And mock when comes your fear.
