Scripture Verse

Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matthew 24:42


Ada R. Habershon

Words: Ada R. Ha­ber­shon, 1907.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Are you rea­dy for the com­ing
Of the Lord from Heav’n?
Are you rest­ing in the pro­mise
Which to us is giv’n?
Does your heart leap up with rap­ture
As you know He’s near?
Or do thoughts of His ap­pear­ing
Fill your heart with fear?


Are you rea­dy (are you rea­dy),
Are you rea­dy (are you rea­dy),
Are you rea­dy for the op­en­ing skies?
Are you rea­dy (are you rea­dy),
Are you rea­dy (are you rea­dy),
Are you rea­dy for that glad sur­prise?

If He came to call His peo­ple
Would you be dis­mayed?
Though your sins have been for­giv­en
Would you be afraid?
Would you be ashamed to meet Him
If He came to­day?
From the pre­sence of the Mas­ter
Would you shrink away?


To this world with all its plea­sures
Are you root­ed fast?
Would a call to leave it quick­ly
Be a wrench at last?
When He views your fin­ished life work
Will you suf­fer loss?
Will you find that you have ga­thered
Only worth­less dross?


Are you busy in His ser­vice
Though your heart is cold?
Are there pre­cious earth­ly trea­sures
Which you fond­ly hold?
Would He find you do­ing on­ly
What He could ap­prove?
Would He find you watch­ing, wait­ing
For the one you love?
