Scripture Verse

Be ready! For the Son of Man will come when you are not expecting Him. Luke 12:40


Henry T. Smart (1813–1879)

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Ly­ra Ang­li­ca­na, com­piled and ar­ranged by Ro­bert H. Baynes (Lon­don: Houl­ston & Wright, 1862), pag­es 140–41.

Music: Re­gent Square Hen­ry T. Smart, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Robert H. Baynes
National Portrait Gallery



What and if the day is break­ing,
Day so long by seers fore­told,
When, from slum­bers deep awak­ing,
Saints their Sav­ior shall be­hold;
Are you rea­dy? Are you rea­dy?
Or is still your bo­som cold?

Are you clothed in brid­al rai­ment,
Woven by an­oint­ed hands;
Given thee with­out thy pay­ment,
Pledge of Love’s un­wear­ied hands?
Are you rea­dy? Are you rea­dy?
See, the por­tal op­en stands.

Are you washed in ho­ly wa­ter,
You so long by sin de­filed?
Should He say, My son, My daugh­ter,
Can you say, Be­hold Thy child?
Are you rea­dy? Are you rea­dy?
Thus by Je­sus to be styled?

Are you rea­dy for the meet­ing
With the Sav­ior in the air?
Longing for that ho­ly greet­ing
With the ran­somed my­ri­ads there?
If not rea­dy, if not rea­dy,
Oh! for that great day pre­pare!