Scripture Verse

Wilt Thou be angry with us for ever? Wilt Thou draw out Thine anger to all generations? Wilt Thou not revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Psalm 85:5–6


Words: James Mer­rick (1720–1769).

Music: Grace Church Ig­naz J. Pley­el, 1815 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Mer­rick (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Ignaz J. Pleyel (1757–1831)


Arise, great God, and let Thy grace
Its beams ef­fuse on Ja­cob’s race:
Restore the long lost scat­tered band,
And call them to their na­tive land.

Their mi­se­ry let Thy mer­cy heal,
Their tres­pass hide, their par­don seal;
Check in mid-course Thy dread­ful ire,
And bid its kin­dled flames ex­pire!

O grant them still Thy love to share;
Incline Thine ear, ac­cept our pray­er;
Cleanse them from un­be­lief and sin,
And ga­ther, too, the Gen­tiles in.

How long shall Ja­cob’s off­spring prove
The sad sus­pen­sion of Thy love?
Say, shall Thy wrath per­pe­tu­al burn?
And wilt Thou ne’er, ap­peased, re­turn?

Thy quick­en­ing Spir­it now im­part,
And wake to joy each grate­ful heart,
While Is­ra­el’s res­cued tribes in Thee
Their bliss and full sal­va­tion see!

No longer, hea­ven­ly Sire, de­lay,
Thy wont­ed mer­cy now dis­play,
And let Thy all dis­pos­ing will
Thy peo­ple’s stead­fast hope ful­fill.