Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Matthew 28:6
Words: Thomas T. Lynch, The Rivulet, third edition, enlarged (London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer, 1868), number 117, alt.
Music: Bethlehem (Fink) Gottfried W. Fink, 1842 (🔊
Arise, sad heart, arise in haste,
Come forth, but not to weep;
Come, end thy sorrow at the grave
Where Jesus lay asleep.
Astir He was before the sun:
The stone was rolled away
While darkness yet withheld the dawn—
There are two suns today.
His servant, day’s familiar lord,
Shall shine no more in vain;
For He, the everlasting sun,
In flaming power shall reign.
Rise, feeble heart, come quickly forth,
Though weary night was long;
Let sorrow now be very glad,
And weakness very strong.
Forget the shudder and the shout,
The noon with terror black,
That darkly-finished work of woe—
The Worker has come back;
Himself His finished work, is here;
Come, greet the holy light
That flows from sorrow-softened eyes
With love eternal bright.
Rise, happy heart, arise in haste,
And into Eden come;
New paradise is planted now,
And He, its beauty’s sum;
Its tree of life, its light of life,
Its stream of life is here;
Come, hallow many happy songs
With one last happy tear.