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Scripture Verse

Follow Me. Matthew 8:22


T. Whiting Bancroft

Words: T. Whit­ing Ban­croft (1837–1890).

Music: Crys­tal Palace Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner, 1893 (🔊 ).

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


Will you fol­low the lead of the glo­ri­fied One,
While the host sings His praise
As they now march along?
In the land of Ju­dea the march was be­gun,
And the earth now is gir­dled with song.

Will you fol­low the lead of the glo­ri­fied King?
For this lead­er of hosts is the An­cient of Days;
Will you now tune your voic­es His glo­ry to sing,
As the earth now is gir­dled with praise.

Will you fol­low the lead of the glo­ri­fied Son,
As His ar­my is march­ing to strive for the right?
For the dark­ness is wan­ing, the day is be­gun,
And the earth now is gir­dled with light.

Will you fol­low the lead of the cru­ci­fied Lord,
As His ar­my ad­vanc­es pre­pared for the strife,
With the sword of the Spir­it,
His own spok­en word?
All the earth now is gir­dled with life.