Scripture Verse

He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: He hideth his face; He will never see it. Psalm 10:11


Words: Har­ri­et Au­ber, The Spir­it of the Psalms (Lon­don: T. Ca­dell and C. & J. Riv­ing­ton, 1829), page 9.

Music: Old Mar­tyrs Psalms (Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land: 1615) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Harriet Auber (1773–1862)


Arrayed against our church and faith,
The pow­ers of dark­ness rage,
And the proud ty­rants of the earth
Unholy war­fare wage.

They say, O God, Thou wilt not hear,
Thou, Lord, will not re­gard
But each dark crime is known to Thee,
And meets its just re­ward.

The Fa­ther of the fa­ther­less,
The help­er of the weak,
Thy hand shall ev­ery wrong re­dress,
Thy voice shall com­fort speak.

And soon shall dawn that bless­èd day,
When sin and woe shall cease,
And earth, be­neath Mes­si­ah’s sway,
Enjoy per­pe­tu­al peace.