Scripture Verse

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. Matthew 25:13


Frederick A. Graves (1856–1927)

Words & Mu­sic: Ar­ranged by L. E. Lar­sen & Fred­er­ick A. Graves, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If know Lar­sen’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


What, my friend, do you say
To the Sav­ior this day?
Are you rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky?
For the king­dom of Heav’n
Is like vir­gins three and sev’n,
Going forth to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky.


Are you rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky?
Are you rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky?
The day is near when He’ll ap­pear;
O be rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky.

There are sheep gone as­tray,
They have left the nar­row way,
They’re not rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky!
For their love grow­ing cold,
They are far from the fold,
And not rea­dy to meet
The Brideg­room in the sky.


But I fear there will be
Many liv­ing thought­less­ly,
Going forth to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky;
And their lamps will not burn,
So for oil they’ll re­turn,
And the Bride­groom
Jesus com­eth in the sky.


Then let all of us learn
To fill lamps so they burn,
And be rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky;
Not be like fool­ish ones,
No oil when He comes,
But be rea­dy to meet
The Bride­groom in the sky.
