Scripture Verse

As thy days, so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25


John Fawcett (1740–1817)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: John Faw­cett, Hymns Adapt­ed to the Cir­cum­stanc­es of Pub­lic Wor­ship and Pri­vate De­vo­tion (Leeds, Eng­land: G. Wright & Son, 1782), num­ber 13. Orig­in­al ti­tle: Af­flict­ed Soul, to Je­sus Dear.

Music: Ux­bridge Lo­well Ma­son, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Afflicted saint, to Christ draw near—
Thy Sav­ior’s gra­cious pro­mise hear,
His faith­ful Word de­clares to thee,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.

Let not thy heart des­pond and say
How shall I stand the try­ing day?
He has en­gaged by firm de­cree,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.

Thy faith is weak, thy foes are strong,
And if the con­flict should be long,
The Lord will make the tempt­er flee,
For as thy days thy strength shall be.

Should per­se­cu­tion rage and flame,
Still trust in thy Re­deem­er’s name;
In fie­ry tri­als thou shalt see,
That as thy days thy strength shall be.

When called to bear thy weigh­ty cross,
Or sore af­flict­ion, pain, or loss,
Or deep dis­tress or po­ver­ty,
Still as thy days thy strength shall be.