Scripture Verse

Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. Psalm 61:1


Ralph E. Hudson (1843–1901)

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in the Ca­tho­lic Cho­ral­ist, by Will­iam Young, 1842, num­ber 60, in 13 4-line stan­zas, as Hymn of the Ca­la­bri­an Shep­herds.

Music: Mar­tyr­dom Hugh Wil­son, 1800. Ar­ranged by Ralph E. Hu­dson, cir­ca 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).


As dark­er, dark­er, fall around
The sha­dows of the night,
We ga­ther here with hymn and pray­er,
To seek the eter­nal light.

Father in Hea­ven, to Thee are known
Our ma­ny hopes and fears,
Our hea­vy weight of mor­tal toil,
Our bit­ter­ness of tears.

We pray Thee for our ab­sent ones,
Who have been with us here:
And in our sec­ret heart we name
The dis­tant and the dear.

For wea­ry eyes, and ach­ing hearts,
And feet that from Thee rove,
The sick, the poor, the tired, the fall­en,
We pray Thee, God of love.

We bring to Thee our hopes and fears
And at Thy foot­stool lay;
And, Fa­ther, Thou who lov­est all
Wilt hear us as we pray.