As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God.
Psalm 42:1
Words: James Montgomery, Songs of Zion 1822.
Music: Turin Felice de Giardini (1716–1796) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tune:
As the hart, with eager looks,
Panteth for the water-brooks,
So my soul, athirst for Thee,
Pants the living God to see;
When, O when, with filial fear,
Lord, shall I to Thee draw near?
Tears my food by night, by day,
Grief consumes my strength away;
While his craft the tempter plies,
Where is now thy God?
he cries;
This would sink me to despair,
But I pour soul in prayer.
For in happier times I went,
Where the multitudes frequent;
I, with them, was wont to bring
Homage to Thy courts, my king:
I, with them, was wont to raise
Festal hymns on holy days.
Why art thou cast down, my soul?
God, thy God, shall make thee whole;
Why art thou disquieted?
God shall lift thy fallen head;
And His countenance benign
Be the saving health of thine.