The angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying,
Matthew 1:20Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Words: Henry J. Gauntlett (1805–1876).
Music: Gauntlett Henry J. Gauntlett (🔊
As Joseph was a walking,
He heard an angel sing;
His song was of the coming
Of Christ, our Savior King.
The good man, long dejected,
Had knelt to Him who hears;
The blest refrain now swelling
Removes his doubts and fears.
“Be not afraid when hearing
The choirs seraphic sing;
This night shall be the birthtide
Of Christ the heavenly King;
He neither shall in housen
Be born, nor yet in hall;
Nor bed, nor downy pillow,
But in an oxen stall.
He neither shall be clothèd
In purple nor in pall,
But in the fair white linen
That usen babies all.
He neither shall be rockèd
In silver nor in gold;
But in a wooden manger,
That resteth on the mold.
As Joseph was a walking,
Thus did an angel sing;
At night the mother maiden
Gave birth to Christ our king.
The blessèd virgin wrapped Him
From nightly winds, so wild;
The lowly manger held Him,
Her wondrous holy Child.
And marshaled on the mountain,
The angels raise their song;
The shepherds hear the story
In anthems clear and strong.
The herald hymn obeying,
Nor loth, nor yet afraid,
They seek the lowly dwelling,
And there the Child is laid!
Then be ye glad, good people,
This night of all the year;
And light ye up your candles—
His star, it shineth near;
And all in earth and Heaven,
Our Christmas carol sing:
Good will, and peace, and glory!
And all the bells shall ring.