Scripture Verse

Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24


Words: At­trib­ut­ed to Mrs. James Ha­vens, in Heart Throbs in Prose and Verse (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Chap­ple Pub­lish­ing, 1905), pag­es 187–88. This book had the fol­low­ing on its ti­tle page: Con­trib­ut­ed by 50,000 peo­ple, dear to the Am­eri­can peo­ple, and by them con­trib­ut­ed in the $10,000 prize con­test ini­ti­at­ed by the Na­tion­al Ma­ga­zine, 1904–1905, Gros­set & Dun­lap, New York.

Music: Bi­shop­garth Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1874 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know Havens’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)


O pray­ing one, who long has prayed,
And yet no an­swer heard,
Have ye been some­times half afraid
God might not keep His word?
Seems pray­er to fall on deaf­ened ears?
Does Heav’n seem blind and dumb?
Is hope de­ferred? Be­lieve—be­lieve—
The an­swer time will come!

Ask what ye will—His word is true,
His pow­er is all di­vine;
Ye can­not test His love too far;
His ut­most shall be thine.
God does not mock be­liev­ing pray­er;
Ye shall not go un­fed!
He gives no ser­pent for a fish,
Nor gives He stones for bread.

Thy in­most long­ings may be told;
The hopes that turned to shame,
The emp­ty life, the thwart­ed plans;
The good that ne­ver came.
Say not, The pro­mise is not mine,
God did not hear me pray;
I prayed—I trust­ed ful­ly—but
The grave hath bar­red the way.

God heard Thee—He hath not for­got,
Faith shall at length pre­vail!
Yea—know it! Not one small­est jot
Of all His word can fail.
For if ye tru­ly have be­lieved,
Not vain hath been thy pray­er!
As God is true, thy hope shall come—
Sometime, some way, some­where.