Scripture Verse

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. Psalm 42:1


Words: Ro­bert Lowth, Prae­lec­ti­on­es Aca­de­mi­cae de Sac­ra Po­esi He­brae­or­um, 1753. Tran­slat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by George Gre­go­ry, 1787.

Music: Wal­do The Lec­ture-Room Hymn-Book, ed­it­ed by Dud­ley A. Tyng (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. D. Lip­pin­cott, 1855), num­ber 79 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Robert Lowth (1710–1787)


Monarch of the Glen
Edwin H. Landseer (1802–1873)

As pants the wea­ried hart for cool­ing springs,
That sinks ex­haust­ed in the sum­mer’s chase,
So pants my soul for Thee, great King of kings,
So thirsts to reach Thy sac­red dwell­ing place.

Why throb, my heart? Why sink, my sad­den­ing soul?
Why droop to earth, with va­ri­ous woes op­pressed?
My years shall yet in bliss­ful cir­cles roll,
And peace be yet an in­mate of this breast.

Lord, Thy sure mer­cies, ev­er in my sight,
My heart shall glad­den through the te­di­ous day,
And midst the dark and gloomy shades of night,
To Thee, my God, I’ll tune the grate­ful lay.

Why faint, my soul? Why doubt Je­ho­vah’s aid?
Thy God, the God of mer­cy, still shall prove;
Within His courts thy thanks shall yet be paid:
Unquestioned be His faith­ful­ness and love.