As thy days, so shall thy strength be.
Deuteronomy 33:25
Words: Frances R. Havergal, January 1, 1859. Appeared in the Sunday Magazine, July 1867.
Music: Gott sei dank, Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch, by Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany: 1704) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
The New Year’s Bells were ringing in St. Nicholas’ Church close to our rectory (Worcester). I was sleeping with my sister Maria; she roused me to hear them and quoted the text
As thy days thy strength shall be,as a New Year’s Motto.I did not answer, but presently returned it to her in rhyme (the two first verses, I think). She was pleased, so I finished it the next day and gave it to her.
The last verse, with a slight alteration, was placed by my cousins on Aunt Izard’s tombstone, 1868.
The Havergal Manuscripts
Julian, p. 85.
As thy days thy strength shall be!
This should be enough for thee,
He who knows thy frame will spare
Burdens more than thou canst bear.
When thy days are veiled in night,
Christ shall give thee heavenly light;
Seem they wearisome and long,
Yet in Him thou shalt be strong.
Cold and wintry though they prove,
Thine, the sunshine of His love;
Or, with fervid heat oppressed,
In His shadow thou shalt rest.
When thy days on earth are past,
Christ shall call thee home at last,
His redeeming love to praise,
Who hath strengthened all thy days.