Scripture Verse

His banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4


Words: La­vin­ia E. Brauff, 1904.

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Brauff (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


Alewife Brook

There is mu­sic in the stream­let
Flowing ’neath the azure sky;
Every bird pro­claims a car­ol
To the God who rules on high;
Every flow­er im­parts a mes­sage
To the bless­èd Lord of all
Who to­day is kind­ly watch­ing
Over na­tions great and small.


As we march be­neath His ban­ner,
Pointing to the realms ab­ove,
Let us ask Him to go with us,
And to fill our hearts with love.

There is beauty in the sun­shine
That provides the world with light;
Every leaf re­news its bright­ness,
When re­freshed with dew of night;
Every cloud re­news its grand­eur,
E’en when stor­my bil­lows roll;
But the beau­ty Je­sus lov­eth
Is the beau­ty of the soul.


Praises and eter­nal glo­ry
To our heav’n­ly king be­long;
Of His good­ness and His mer­cy
Let us tell in joy­ful song;
We may drop a word of kind­ness
That may quell the com­ing foe;
Let us la­bor for the Mas­ter
While we tar­ry here be­low.
