Scripture Verse

Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)



I’ve en­list­ed for life
In the ar­my of the Lord,
Tho’ the fight may be long
And the strug­gle fierce and hard;
With the ar­mor of God
And the Spir­it’s trus­ty sword,
At the front of the bat­tle
You will find me.


Hear the tramp! tramp!
Tramping of the ar­my,
The tri­umph shout­ing,
The foe we’re rout­ing;
Hear the tramp! tramp!
Tramping of the ar­my,
Marching on to vic­to­ry.
I’m in this ar­my,
This glo­ri­ous ar­my,
And the God of bat­tles
Will de­fend me,
I’m in the ar­my,
This glo­ri­ous ar­my,
At the front of the bat­tle
You will find me.

With the ban­ner of love
And of ho­li­ness un­furled,
Full sal­va­tion pro­claim
To a sin­ful, dy­ing world;
Tho’ the darts thick and fast
From the en­emy be hurled,
At the front of the batt­le
You will find me.


Is your name, friend, en­rolled
With the loy­al ones and true?
Will you dare now to stand
With the Sav­ior’s faith­ful few?
Will you join with me now
And the co­ve­nant re­new?
At the front of the bat­tle
You will find me.
