At evening time it shall be light.
Zechariah 14:7
Words: FanÂny CrosÂby, 1915. The last hymn writÂten by FanÂny CrosÂby.
ApÂpeared in Life and SerÂvice Hymns, comÂpiled by R. E. MaÂgill (RichÂmond, VirÂginÂia: OnÂward Press, PresÂbyÂterÂian ComÂmitÂtee of PubÂliÂcaÂtion, 1917), numÂber 114. This bitÂterÂsweet hymn adÂdressÂes the evÂenÂing
of morÂtal life. It is not onÂly said to be FanÂny’s last poÂetÂic utÂterÂance, but the muÂsic is one of Doane’s last comÂpoÂsiÂtions: he and FanÂny both left this world for HeavÂen’s peace while World War I was ragÂing, in 1915.
Music: GoiÂás W. HowÂard Doane, 1915 (🔊
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light;
When fades the day of toil away,
No shaÂdows deep, no weaÂry night,
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light.
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light;
Immortal love from realms above,
Is breathÂing now the proÂmise bright,
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light.
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light;
We’ll gaÂther flowÂers from rurÂal bowÂers,
O sacÂred hope of gloÂry bright,
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light.
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light;
Sweet evÂenÂing time of joy diÂvine,
That makes the ChrisÂtian life so bright,
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light.
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light;
No cares shall harm, no fears alarm;
If one in Christ, our souls unite;
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light,
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light;
The hearts will glow, no tears will flow,
It caÂnnot lose its proÂmise bright,
At evÂenÂing time it shall be light.