Scripture Verse

It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Leviticus 17:11


C. Russell Hurditch (1839–1908)

Words: C. Rus­sell Hur­ditch, The En­larged Lon­don Hymn Book 1873.

Music: J. J. Sims (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Sims’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Th’atoning blood is flow­ing—
Let all the tid­ings hear;
The Gos­pel word is show­ing
How sin­ners may draw near.
Th’aton­ing blood’s re­liev­ing
The pri­son­ers from their chains,
And sin­ners in be­liev­ing
Lose all their guil­ty stains.


It is the blood, the pre­cious blood,
It is the blood, the pre­cious blood,
It is the blood that mak­eth
An atone­ment for the soul.

Th’atoning blood is sav­ing
Sinners of deep­est dye,
And mul­ti­tudes are hav­ing
Free ti­tles to the sky.
Th’atoning blood is heal­ing
The souls that sin had slain;
Rejoicing saints are feel­ing
The pro­mised lat­ter rain.


Th’atoning blood is bring­ing
Poor lost ones to the fold,
And heav’n­ly hosts are sing­ing
O’er mul­ti­tudes un­told.
Th’aton­ing blood is speak­ing
To ev­ery pre­cious soul
Who is sal­va­tion seek­ing,
Believe, and be made whole.


Th’aton­ing blood is stay­ing
The great aveng­ing rod,
While men are still de­lay­ing
To yield them­selves to God.
Th’atoning blood is seal­ing
The world’s eter­nal doom;
But, to thy soul ap­peal­ing,
Says, Lost one, to Me come.
