Scripture Verse

That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us. John 17:21


Oliver Holden (1765–1844)

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Charles­town Col­lect­ion (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1803).

Music: New Un­ion Ol­iv­er Hol­den, 1803 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Attend, ye saints, and hear me tell
The won­ders of Im­ma­nu­el;
Who saved me from a burn­ing hell,
And brought my soul with Him to dwell,
And feel a bless­èd un­ion.

At first He saw me from on high,
Beheld my soul in ru­in lie;
He looked on me with pi­ty­ing eye,
And said to me as He passed by,
With God you have no un­ion.

Then I be­gan to mourn and cry,
I looked this way and that to fly;
It grieved me for that I must die,
I strove sal­va­tion for to buy
But still I had no un­ion.

But when my Sav­ior took me in,
And with His blood did wash me clean,
’Twas then I hat­ed ev­ery sin;
And O! what sea­sons I have seen,
E’er since I felt this un­ion.

I praised the Lord both night and day,
From house to house I went to pray;
And if I met one on the way,
I al­ways had some word to say
About this bless­èd un­ion.

I wonder why old saints don’t sing,
And praise the Lord up­on the wing,
And make the heav’n­ly arch­es ring,
With loud ho­san­nas to their king,
Who brought their souls to un­ion.

O come, back­slid­ers, come away,
And learn to do as well as say;
And mind to watch as well as pray:
Come, bear your cross from day to day,
And then you’ll feel this un­ion.

Soon we shall break all na­ture’s ties,
On wings of love our souls shall rise,
And shout sal­va­tion through the skies,
And gain the mark and win the prize,
And feel a heav’n­ly un­ion.

Then ev­ery saint that’s here below,
Will leave these climes of pain and woe;
And they will home to glo­ry go;
And there they’ll hear and see and know
And feel this per­fect union.

There we the glo­ri­ous Lamb shall see,
Who groaned and died up­on the tree,
For sin­ners such as you and me,
That we might His sal­va­tion see,
And feel a heav’n­ly un­ion.

When we re­count life’s dan­gers o’er,
Review the la­bors which we bore;
And see our­selves safe on the shore,
With love our con­quer­or we’ll adore,
And feel in­creas­ing un­ion.

When count­less years have rolled away,
Our vi­gor suf­fer­ing no de­cay,
We’ll all as one with rap­ture say,
We still re­mem­ber well the day
Our souls first felt this un­ion.

Reign, glo­ri­ous Je­sus, reign on high,
’Tis Thou that brought us re­bels nigh;
We’ll shout re­demp­tion through the sky,
And praise Thee to eter­ni­ty
For such a glo­ri­ous un­ion.

The hosts of Heav’n shall all agree,
In pur­est strains of sym­pho­ny;
And shout, Eter­nal glo­ry be
To three in One, and One in three,

Crying, O this glo­ri­ous un­ion.