Scripture Verse

Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger. Lamentations 1:12


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1741.

Music: Dar­ling­ton Ano­ny­mous, in The Pri­mi­tive Me­tho­dist Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by George Booth (Lon­don: Pri­mi­tive Me­tho­dist Pub­lish­ing House, 1889), num­ber 95 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Léon J. F. Bonnat (1833–1922)

All ye that pass by, to Je­sus draw nigh:
To you is it no­thing that Je­sus should die?
Your ran­som and peace, your sure­ty He is:
Come, see if there ever was sor­row like His.

For what you have done His blood must atone:
The Fa­ther hath pun­ished for you His dear Son.
The Lord, in the day of His an­ger, did lay
Your sins on the Lamb, and He bore them away.

He an­swered for all: O come at His call,
And low at His cross with aston­ish­ment fall!
But lift up your eyes at Je­sus’ cries:
Impassive, He suf­fers; im­mor­tal, He dies.

He dies to atone for sins not His own;
Your debt He hath paid, and your work He hath done.
Ye all may re­ceive the peace He did leave,
Who made in­ter­cess­ion, My Fa­ther, for­give!

For you and for me He prayed on the tree:
The pray­er is ac­cept­ed, the sin­ner is free.
That sin­ner am I, who on Je­sus re­ly,
And come for the par­don God can­not de­ny.

My par­don I claim; for a sin­ner I am,
A sin­ner be­liev­ing in Je­sus’ name.
He pur­chased the grace which now I em­brace:
O Fa­ther, Thou know’st He hath died in my place.

His death is my plea; my ad­vo­cate see,
And hear the blood speak that hath an­swered for me.
My ran­som He was when He bled on the cross;
And los­ing His life He hath car­ried my cause.