Scripture Verse

They presented unto Him gifts: gold, and frankincense and myrrh. Mathew 2:11


Words: Theo­do­sia Gar­ris­on (1874–1944).

Music: Morn­ing Song me­lo­dy from Ken­tuc­ky Har­mo­ny, by An­an­ias Da­vis­son, 1816, at­trib­ut­ed by some to El­ka­nah K. Dare (1782–1826). Har­mo­ny by C. Win­fred Doug­las (1867–1944) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when the words were writ­ten, or where to get a good pho­to of Gar­ri­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

C. Winfred Douglas (1867–1944)


Melchior, Gas­par, Bal­tha­zar,
Great gifts they bore and meet;
White lin­en for His bo­dy fair
And pur­ple for His feet;
And gold­en things—the joy of kings—
And myrrh to breathe Him sweet.

It was the shep­herd Ter­ish spake,
Oh, poor the gift I bring—
A lit­tle cross of brok­en twigs,
A hind’s gift to a king—
Yet, hap­ly, He may smile to see
And know my of­fer­ing.

And it was Ma­ry held her Son
Full soft­ly to her breast,
Great gifts and sweet are at Thy feet
And won­ders king-pos­sessed;
O lit­tle Son, take Thou the one
That plea­sures Thee the best.

It was the Christ-Child in her arms
Who turned from gaud and gold,
Who turned from wond­rous gifts and great,
From pur­ple woof and fold,
And to His breast the cross He pressed
That scarce His hands could hold.

’Twas king and shep­herd went their way—
Great won­der tore their bliss;
’Twas Ma­ry clasped her lit­tle son
Close, close to feel her kiss,
And in His hold the cross lay cold
Between her heart and His!