Scripture Verse

…with power from on high. Luke 24:49


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam A. Og­den, in The In­ter­na­tion­al Les­son Hym­nal (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Da­vid C. Cook, 1878), num­ber 129 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Ogden (1841–1897)


Baptize us anew
With pow­er from on high,
With love, O re­fresh us!
Dear Sav­ior, draw nigh.


We hum­bly be­seech Thee,
Lord Je­sus, we pray,
With love and the Spir­it
Baptize us to­day.

Unworthy we cry,
Unholy, un­clean,
O wash us and cleanse us
From sin’s guil­ty stain.


O hea­ven­ly Dove,
Descend from on high!
We plead Thy rich bless­ing;
In mer­cy draw nigh.


O list the glad voice!
From Hea­ven it came:
Thou art My be­lo­vèd,
Well pleas­èd I am.

We praise thee, we bless Thee,
Dear Lamb that was slain,
We laud and ad­ore Thee,
Amen and Amen.