Scripture Verse

Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. Mark 10:47


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: W. Ol­iv­er, 1779), Book 1, num­ber 95, alt.

Music: Em­me­lar Hen­ry B. Ri­chards (1817–1885) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry B. Richards (1817–1885)


Mercy, O Thou Son of Da­vid!
Thus blind Bar­ti­me­us prayed;
Others by Thy word are sav­èd,
Now to me af­ford Thine aid;
Many for his cries re­buked him,
But he called the loud­er still;
Till the gra­cious Sav­ior bid him,
Come, and ask Me what you will.

Money was not what he want­ed,
Though by beg­ging used to live;
But he asked, and Je­sus grant­ed
Alms, which none but He could give;
Lord, re­move this griev­ous blind­ness,
Let me eyes be­hold the day
So he saw, and won by kind­ness,
Followed Je­sus in the way.

Oh! me­thinks I hear him prais­ing,
Publishing to all around;
Friends, is not my case am­az­ing?
What a Sav­ior I have found!
Oh, that all the blind but knew Him,
And would be ad­vised by me!
Surely, would they hast­en to Him,
He would cause them all to see.