Scripture Verse

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life. 1 Timothy 6:12


T. Martin Towne (1835–1912)

Words: Lu­ther Janes, in Good Will, ed­it­ed by Mar­tin Towne & Jair­us M. Still­man (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1878), page 54.

Music: Sun­ny­vale T. Mar­tin Towne (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Janes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Look ye, bro­thers, time is roll­ing,
Rolling ra­pid­ly away;
Vesper bells will soon be toil­ing,
Toiling for the dy­ing day;
Rouse thee, com­rades, nerve for la­bor,
In life’s bat­tle, dare and do!
Boldly wield truth’s gleam­ing sa­ber,
Vanquish wrong and right pur­sue.


Hark! the bu­gle sounds the ral­ly,
Gird you, com­rades, for the fight;
Hark! the bu­gle sounds the ral­ly,
Gird you for the fight.

Plant your stan­dard firm and fear­less,
On the ci­ta­del of might;
Hard may seem the task and cheer­less,
But the pro­mised crown is bright;
Poor your­self, you have for oth­ers
Wealth you may not, must not, keep:
Words of cheer for droop­ing bro­thers,
Tears to shed with those who weep.


Smiles to cheer the lone one’s la­bor,
Toiling o’er life’s wea­ry way,
Bread to share with poor­er neigh­bors,
Hungering, starv­ing ev­ery day;
Go to hearts that pine and per­ish,
Wipe the flow­ing tears away;
Every smitt­en spir­it nour­ish,
Drooping sad­ly by the way.


Carry glad­ness to the sigh­ing,
Give your strength to bear the lame,
Whisper com­fort to the dy­ing,
Whisper soft­ly Je­sus’ name;
Up some hill or down some val­ley,
Seek the lost to guide aright,
Hark! the bu­gle sounds the ral­ly,
Gird you, com­rades, for the fight.
