Scripture Verse

Love your neighbor as yourself. Leviticus 19:18


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam M. Gold­en, 1918 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William M. Golden (1878–1934)


Each day I’ll do a gold­en deed,
By help­ing those who are in need,
My life on earth is but a span,
And so I’ll do the best I can,
The best I can.


Life’s ev­en­ing sun is sink­ing low,
A few more days and I must go
To meet the deeds that I have done,
Where there will be no set­ting sun.

To be a child of God each day,
My light must shine along the way;
I’ll sing His praise while ag­es roll
And strive to help some trou­bled soul,
Some trou­bled soul.


The on­ly life that will en­dure,
Is one that’s kind and good and pure;
And so for God I’ll take my stand,
Each day I’ll lend a help­ing hand,
A help­ing hand.


I’ll help some­one in time of need,
And jour­ney on with ra­pid speed;
I’ll help the sick and poor and weak,
And words of kind­ness to them speak,
Kind words I’ll speak.


While go­ing down life’s wea­ry road,
I’ll try to lift some tra­vel­er’s load;
I’ll try to turn the night to day,
Make flow­ers bloom along the way,
The lone­ly way.
